Publications Available from the
Circumcision Helpdesk™

Post-Operative Care for a
Teen or Adult Circumcision

POA-EN Booklet    POA-ES Booklet

This booklet, produced in conjunction with the Inter-Circ International Circumcision Forum, has been thoroughly checked for accuracy by our Medical Advisors.

It is intended as a general guide to the after-care of the newly circumcised penis following the circumcision of a teenager or adult.

Hospitals usually have their own special set of procedures and so this guidance may be inappropriate if the circumcision is to take place in a hospital.

If your doctor has given you specific advice regarding the after-care for your circumcision then you should follow his instructions rather than this leaflet.

16 page A5 booklet.
Available in English (Order Code: POA-EN)
and Spanish (Order Code: POA-ES)

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